jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

The name of the rose

Title: The name of the rose
Address: Jean-Jacques Annaud (used for the first time 1986)
Country: France, Italy, Germany
Generate: Suspence
Duration: 126 min

The movie counts on an abbey in Italy that has been shaken by the panic because one of its monks has died in a strange and very mysterious way, as consequence of this decide to call to a monk Franciscan, called Guillermo Baskerville that arrives at the abbey accompanied by its young pupil Adso; so that the stranger event investigates. This friar that was part of the Inquisition in previous years, is a very intelligent and audacious man. While, they continue happening a series of murders, the most intriguing thing is that all the deceaseds also have the finger with ink and the mouth, as if they were poisoned with this.

Guillermo discovers that there is a book written in Greek and that he has poisoned ink, what produced the death of these monks that after reading the book, in which numerous sins and topics taboo were said for the church, they died uncannily

The knowledge that he appears as crime in the movie is the knowledge on other topics outside of the religion, only not worrying about the church, the thought freedom, since they should only have an ideal on the poise and the religious rules, as clear example it is this mysterious book since the one that read its content, he died, because he spoke of samples of happiness, laughs and topics that in general for some monks and the church were some of the most serious sins.