viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

The Shawshank Redemption

Director: Frank Darabont
Country: USA
Runtime: 142 min
Genre: Drama

A tribunal whit jury considers that the vice-president of a bank, Andy Dufresne, is guilty of their wife`s murder and of the lover of this. Although he insists an and another time in their innocence, the indications are enough as to condemn to two life imprisonments. At the beginning of 1947, the old banker is transferred to the penitentiary establishment of bad fame " Shawshank " (Maine), to pass the rest of their days. When being received by the director of the jail, Norton, this he doesn't leave place to doubts in relation to the terror régime that here reigns, neither to the outrage with the one that the jailers act that they mistreat physical and psychically to the interns, as them like.

A person of Andy Dufresne's sensibility that gives great importance to the literature and mainly to the classic music, it has never gone before by the prison of Shawshank. Its way of being supposes a provocation for the other prisoners who respond mistreating him with supreme brutality. Long term, however, it provides effect that Andy stays faithful to its principles, because serene way of being attracts to several of the prisoners, in particular to Net that has already spent twenty years in the prison, murder accused. Net has fame of being able to obtain any type of things; for Andy it gets a geologist hammer and Rita Hayworth's póster.

With the step of the time, Andy also obtains the personnel's of surveillance trust, to what contributes a key scene of " life imprisonment ": when Andy and other prisoners are taken to caulk the covered with a factory, captain Byron Hadley (Clancy Brown) he complains about the fiscal load that supposes him an inheritance that he has received. Andy offers him its help to make the declaration of taxes; as compensation, he only requests beer for him and their partners. Starting from that moment, it radically changes the old banker's situation, especially when the direct of the penitentiary establishment makes of him their right hand to defraud taxes.

Their collaboration in the I whiten of black money it supposes, however, a sword of two edges: on one hand, he enjoys the director's protection; but, for other, this it is not willing to lose fellow man he helps. It is for this reason for what prevents that Andy Dufresne's process is recaptured when the opportunity is presented. However, the former-banker doesn't lose of view his objective: to escape from the prison of Shawshank.

Past Simple and Past Progresive

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.
· I saw a movie yesterday.
· I didn't see a play yesterday.
· Last year, I traveled to Japan.
· Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.
· Did you have dinner last night?
· She washed her car.
· He didn't wash his car.

Use the Past Progresive to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time.
· I was watching TV when she called.
· When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
· While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
· What were you doing when the earthquake started?
· I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
· You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009


1. When we want to say how often something happens, it is common to use frequency adverbs. It is possible to use them when referring to the past, present or future:
We often went camping when we were children.
I usually go to the gym at lunchtime.
I will always love you.
The following list shows the most common adverbs of frequency, with the one that refers to things that happen most often at the top, and least often at the bottom:
Always : I always brush my teeth before I go to bed
Usually: I usually have toast for breakfast
Frequently: I frequently watch the news before dinner
Often: I often go to the park with my dog
Sometimes: I sometimes see him down at the shops

2. My father, his name is Alberto Sanchez, he is a wonderful being that he always worries to give me the best thing that simpre that I need it there this that this willing one to help me to listen to me and to seek advice, although many times we discuss I consider that we take a very good relationship.

3. My mother, Esmeralda, she belongs to those women that it hates the lies that it hates the things undercover, she has always told me that for but it burdens that are the things everything she has solution if one has spoken with the truth. It belongs to the women that she doesn't surrender easy that fights for what wants,she is a tender and sweet person.

4. Erika, a youth that has not had an easy life and not because she is looked for the problems, she is a clear sample of a strong woman that doesn't surrender easy, for my she is my example, a woman that knew how to leave a great illness, fighting I last her. Our relationship of sisters is very good because we always look for to help ourselves one to the other one; we are a team that looks for the best thing for two.