sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009


1. When we want to say how often something happens, it is common to use frequency adverbs. It is possible to use them when referring to the past, present or future:
We often went camping when we were children.
I usually go to the gym at lunchtime.
I will always love you.
The following list shows the most common adverbs of frequency, with the one that refers to things that happen most often at the top, and least often at the bottom:
Always : I always brush my teeth before I go to bed
Usually: I usually have toast for breakfast
Frequently: I frequently watch the news before dinner
Often: I often go to the park with my dog
Sometimes: I sometimes see him down at the shops

2. My father, his name is Alberto Sanchez, he is a wonderful being that he always worries to give me the best thing that simpre that I need it there this that this willing one to help me to listen to me and to seek advice, although many times we discuss I consider that we take a very good relationship.

3. My mother, Esmeralda, she belongs to those women that it hates the lies that it hates the things undercover, she has always told me that for but it burdens that are the things everything she has solution if one has spoken with the truth. It belongs to the women that she doesn't surrender easy that fights for what wants,she is a tender and sweet person.

4. Erika, a youth that has not had an easy life and not because she is looked for the problems, she is a clear sample of a strong woman that doesn't surrender easy, for my she is my example, a woman that knew how to leave a great illness, fighting I last her. Our relationship of sisters is very good because we always look for to help ourselves one to the other one; we are a team that looks for the best thing for two.

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